What Happens When We Tap?

After a recent EFT session that produced results that even I found remarkable, my client asked, “Are you a wizard?” While I make no claims of wizardry, it is not uncommon for patients to pause, with a perplexed look on their faces, in the middle of a round of tapping and ask, “How is this working?” or make a general comment about how strangely effective this is. Below are some research-based descriptions of what seems to be happening while we tap. Due to its reported effectiveness, EFT has attracted the interest of many researchers. New information is being released on a regular basis. For more information, see the research section of the ACEP website.

Neurochemistry Changes

  • Increased endorphins: decreases pain, heart rate
  • Increased serotonin levels: regulates mood
  • Regulation of cortisol production: decreases fight or flight response
  • Increased gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): reduces anxiety

Brain Activity Changes:

  • The limbic system is calmed (amygdala, hippocampus)

Autonomic Nervous System Becomes More Balanced:

  • Decreased sympathetic nervous system activity: fight/flight response
  • Increase parasympathetic nervous system activity: relaxation response

Heart Rate Variability Patterns Become Optimal

Relaxation Response Is Activated

If you’re curious about the available research on energy psychology modalities, read David Feinstein’s review article in the Review of General Psychology.